The Declaring Prophet

The prophetic declarer, or "declaring prophet", is a prophetically-gifted Christian who communicates God's immediate message in a statement or statements. For this reason they often write out what the Lord is showing them, almost like a TV personality issuing a public statement. Brevity and conciseness is what distinguishes this type from prophetic preaching. These statements can be a word, phrase, sentence, or several paragraphs (Ac 21:10,11, 1Ti 4:14; Jsh 24:2-13, Jer 30,31). They can be statements of hindsight (past; 1Co 14:24,25; Lk 1:67-75, 1Ki 20:42), insight (present; 1Co 14:24,25), or foresight (future; 1Ti 1:18). Prophetic declarers are not preachers and sermonizers, they are to-the-point declarers. They declare what God is saying in brevity and go about their way. Some of them are highly uncomfortable when asked to "preach" or "speak", and do not do so well. That is not their gift expression. Some may also be prophetic preachers, but many are not. From what we know of him, Agabus was this type of prophet (Ac 11:27-30, 21:10,11). He traveled about delivering brief prophetic statements.

To read more visit JDM Prophetic Ministries

1 comment:

Tim Shey said...

A prophet's life can be the sermon or the message.

A Christian's life is the message. We need to have the glory of God flowing out of us--this is what will change the world.

"The Kingdom is not in word, but in power."